Quilt ME a Freebe!

This week in 2nd grade we have been reading The Quilt story by Tony Johnson.  It is a wonderful story about how a quilt brings comfort to many and develops a history all its own.

      In centers,  I used a quilt prediction activity.  I wanted students to see that quilts can have meaning and a history.  I have a quilt made by a past class that I hung in my poetry center.  My student then visited this center and made predictions about the meaning of the quilt.  I also added a Friendship Quilt poem and they visited the art center to create a block for our Friendship Quilt Bulletin Board.
Class Quilt  
  Art Center    

Click the image to download a FREE copy of my Quilt Prediction. 
Be sure to follow my store and BLOG so that you will know when new products are added!
*If you don't have a quilt you could always hang a few pictures that you download in a center for students to view. 

We also read Sweet Clara and the Freedom Quilt by Deborah Hopkins

     I love this story for February because it tells a history of the underground railroad but at a level that little ones can begin to understand.  Above you will find a video of me reading the story.  Sit back and relax as you play this for your class.  Or in a small group:)  In the story, Clara creates a freedom quilt that is a map through the underground railroad.  After the reading of the story we examine the end pages in the back of the book.  You can see them in the video if you pause it at the very end.  It is interesting to watch the students pick out points on the quilt for rivers &  houses.

     I also ask my students to bring in a small blanket that has meaning from their childhood.  We lay them out and talk about how the blankets fit together to tell a story about us from our beginnings to where we are now~2nd grade. 
This is a sample from a small groups of students.  

There are so many ways to tie learning into quilts.  
Do you have any special Quilt activities?


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