Here is my week at a glance:
Monday-Ice Cream Float Science
Wednesday-Volunteer Gifts (We create as a class.)
Thursday-Past, Present and Future Friendship Pins
Friday-Pillowcase Autographing
As you can tell, we are going to be busy little bees!
Another fun activity we will be doing next week is called Torture the Teacher! My teammate, Mrs. Thompson introduced my class to this site and they loved it!
It is an interactive word game, where students try to find the incorrect word from a list of the 100 most frequently misspelled words.
The teacher gets all red faced when they pick the wrong word and the goal is to get her/him to resign.
Watch the video below!
Watch the video below!
My kiddos got such a kick out of it! They don't even know that they are practicing spelling! If you are looking for something quick and fun to fill a bit of time with your kiddos...this site is the way to go!
It is also iPad friendly!

What a fun and memorable week for your kids! Torture the teacher looks like a terrific game that kids would love! I'm going to introduce it to my daughter this summer.
I'm Not Your Grandpa, I'm Your Teacher