Friends~We had just the best week in 2nd grade last week! We celebrated Right to Read Week as a school with all the wacky hair, socks, and Dr. Seuss fun.
We made these simple Dr. Seuss silly FACT hats when we researched Dr. Seuss on PebbleGo. My kiddos LOVE this site and I 💓 that it is a safe place for them to research. (Sign up for a FREE trial!)
All you need is a sentence strip. We wrote All About Dr. Seuss on the front and they added strips for each fact they found about Dr. Seuss. We then added stars, hearts, and fish to the end of the strips.
Check out my sweet kiddos flashlight reading below!
We have really been working on our stamina using online timers. Click the image below to check out some of the timers we use.
I love this Time Tracker from Learning Resources. It has audio and visual alarms.
But my FAVORITE part was that each class dressed as one book. Meaning, no individual dress up. We had to decide on a book as a class and then recreate it as a class. Totally not as easy as it looks!
As a class, we decided on a fairy tale. The students broke into groups and made lists of fairy tales they knew.
We jumped into our fairy tale book tub and did some buddy reading exploration.
We watched some fairy tales on Youtube.
We then voted...
Our favorite as a class was:
Princess and the Pea!
Be sure to check out Play Posit! It is a awesome site where you can find pre made "bulbs" with interactive questions for students. Super GREAT for Listening to Reading!
Check out the two I found below! Sign up so you can make your own!
Their PEA hats crack me up!
Of course I was the princess-tiara and everything!
Here are just a couple of my AWESOME teammates and a whole bunch of PEAS!
You can check out more fairy tale fun with The Schroeder Page HERE!

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