They loved that the seed coat came off after soaking and that once they opened their seed-they could see their baby plant. All this plant fun is just leading up to our Earth Day Unit in a couple of weeks. We will be making these fun hats on April 22!
We will also be doing a book study on the book City Green. If you have not read it, be sure to check it out. It is a wonder story of diversity coming together to make a beautiful city garden.
Click the image below to watch a video read of the story!
I also just finished up my book study for this book combined with my fun Earth Day lessons. Grab a FREE making words activity from my Earth Day Celebration file by clicking the image below. It comes with letter cards!
Click the image to see more Earth Day fun!
My City Green activities are included:)

Your City Green activities look great! Have you read The Curious Garden by Peter Brown and Rose's Garden by Peter Reynolds. They are also about garden transformations and would make great text to text connections. I heart your blog!
A Burst of First