Tonight I Presented Bootcamp in Nebraska!

Amazing as it sounds....I sat in my bed tonight with my laptop and presented SMARTboard Bootcamp to a group of 8 teachers tonight.  They were in there classroom huddled around a smartboard after hours.  Now that is what I call true dedication.  We spent an hour discussing the basics of Smart Notebook and then dove into creating lessons.  It was incredible to be able to share what I have mastered about building lessons with others.  So thank you to Sara and friends in Nebraska.  I sure hope we meet again on the net!

Friends...know that this opportunity is out there for you.  The session goes further than just the basics that you get with your SMART Notebook training.  You get to hear and see how I use my SMARTboard and also how my classroom now revolves around it.  It is truly like a magical door into learning.  Come visit The Schroeder Page.  I would love to work with your individually or tell your principal that you want to do a group sessions.  He or She may even foot the bill:)  I thank you in advance for supporting me as an educator and trainer. 

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