Guided Reading Nonfiction Text Feature FREEBIE!

Friends~I am so darn happy!  I finally finished my running records and I can now get back to my guided reading groups. favorite part of the day!  
We started our Sled Dog study to build up to our BIG Balto/Iditarod unit in February! My groups will all be working in the book MUSH Sled Dogs of the Iditarod by Joe Funk.
You can order it from Amazon by clicking the book below.

I knew that this book was going to be pretty challenging for many of my readers so I wanted make sure that they could all be successful. 

I decided that I would focus on nonfiction text features and we would pick apart the first chapter and read together.  

Check out my kiddos working! 

Here is the sheet we used to guide us! We went on the text feature hunt first and shaded in the boxes on the bottom to show what text features were present in chapter 1.  

We then read over the text features together and I passed out post its.  My students then began reading 2 pages at a time and recorded their thinking on the post its.  We shared and discussed after each read.  I am so proud of how they tackled this book!  Plus we learned about 2 of the coolest sled dogs, Diesel and Guiness!

You can grab a FREE copy of my Non Fiction Text Feature Graphic Organizer by clicking the image below! 

We even learned about a new text feature on page 13 called an Insert.  A picture in a picture!

Leave a comment and tell me about how you teach nonfiction text features in Guided Reading Groups!



  1. What a cool book to use! I taught nonfiction text features in my reading groups back in November and we used National Geographic Readers about different animals. During my Daily 5 minilessons I explicitly taught all of my class about different text features and how they can help us and then in our reading groups we focused on finding them and using them to help us better understand what we were reading. It has been my most successful reading group experience in my first year and it really just happened on a whim! I am checking out this sled dog book now!


  2. it says "Captians" not "Captions"

  3. This is going to go perfectly with what we're doing in class with our basal this week. Thanks for sharing!!! We'll use it tomorrow :)

  4. Weird...we're starting our fourth grade Ikidarod unit this morning and I'm using this same book. Thanks for putting this out there...we're going for it today!


Extra, extra tell Mrs. Schroeder about it!